Service field service

Internal service

Technical trainers

Service sales

Service managers

Preparation training for India

Preparation training for Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Egypt, Morocco, etc.

Teaching without presence 2.0
Make online training more effective. Use your previous experience and take the next step

Coaching & shadowing of online trainers - professionalization of interactive online learning
“Individual Coaching and Shadowing for Online Technical Trainings” Individual Coaching and Shadowing for Online Trainings (available in English).

TTxTT Train the Technical Trainer Next Level
The course is aimed at the participants of the MW trainer training program and deepens the most important ideas and concepts

Qualified online technical trainer with certificate
Successfully plan and conduct training courses with effective didactic methods for the efficient transfer of knowledge in virtual space

First aid for the brain: Simply visualize and moderate!
Practical training and workshop on the basics

Successful teaching without presence
Introduction to online training in order to successfully design didactically effective transfer learning paths using the right media and appropriate methods

Workshop: Service standards
Joint definition of standards in service communication

Workshop: Positioning and individual project planning
Intensive preparation of a long-term process

Practical training and workshop on the basics of visual facilitation/live graphic recording

Communication in the digital service world – guidance over distance
An introduction to virtual work situations – purely practical

Conflict talks for service executives
Communicating critical topics correctly with employees and customers

Travel safety for technicians and other frequent travelers
Safety training for technicians worldwide

Intercultural competence in training
Seminar on managing international heterogeneous learning groups

Spare parts sales and consulting for the in-house service
A sales-oriented telephone training for service

Time and self-management in service
Target planning in the service organisation

Professional in service sales
A practical training for successful quality sales in service contracts, repairs and parts

The service technician as an opportunity user
A sales-oriented communication training for local practitioners

The service technician as a customer-binding success factor
A communication training on excellent handling of service customers for the practitioners on site

Leadership training for the service
How to Lead Service Employees to Service Excellence

Fit for global service
Intercultural competence for technicians working abroad

Telephone support training
Competent and professional technical service assistance

Workshop Troubleshooting methodology
Technical errors on the trail – systematic and well thought out

Workshop Methodological Troubleshooting
Tracking down technical errors - systematically and thoughtfully

Practical service communication in English
Intensive hands-on training in application-oriented specialist English for technicians

Module 1 Certified Technical Trainer TTxTT
Basic seminar "Basics Train the Technical Trainer"

Module 2 Certified Technical Trainer TTxTT
Training concept and documentation

Module 3 Certified Technical Trainer TTxTT
Practical training/preparation for certification
Module 5 Certified Technical Trainer TTxTT
International Training

Module 4 Certified Technical Trainer TTxTT
Final exam/certification
Train the Technical Trainer
Systematic tool for the efficient transmission of complex knowledge and the competent handling of groups